Masterclass in Vienna
In November 2022 I was invited to give a recital and a 3-day masterclass at the Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien. The course was about early 17th century violin repertoire with a focus on improvisation/embellishment and early playing techniques . Each day started with an hour of group improvisation and after that we worked on sonatas by Castello, Marini and Fontana. All students were interested to try (or had already been working on) historical bow and violin positions and all of them were willing to improvise - I was really happy about that!
Many thanks to Magdalena Hasibeder and her colleagues for the invitation.
I will give two similar masterclasses in Spring 2023: one at the Conservatory of Amsterdam in February and one at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln in May.